OxygenD's Yummy Mummy Fitness

Thursday, May 12, 2011

...And She's a Mom!

Does becoming a mom make you formerly hot? It seems like the minute you become a mom, you're put into a different category and now you come with a disclaimer..."And she's a Mom," seems to be added to the end of all my accomplishments. Being a mom is the biggest and best part of me, but I feel like I'm looked at differently now-do you?

In Miami last week I heard this going through airport security-Lady, is that your kid, and on the beach, " You had a baby?"

Are we conditioned to equate becoming a mother with the end of our hot days? I don't mean hot in a cheesy way, but just looking and feeling our best.

What do you think?


  1. I think it is about time someone posted a blog about this. No, becoming a mom does NOT mean you can't be "hot". Drives me nuts, when it is assumed you don't have children because you have a great body, then the next thing they hope for is that they have more children than you so they can blame that extra pregnancy on why they don't look as good. Never has anything to do with actually taking care oneself by exercising and eating properly. Sad, how we can't all just embrace who we are and quit judging people whether it be out loud or in silence.

    PS, I also remember when I didn't have children and all my friends that did have children would say to me, "enjoy being skinny (word said with disgust) now, when you have kids it all goes downhill from there" "After kids, you won't have that great body anymore, you'll see" Only made me determined to get my body back on track after, in fact made me determined to make my body even better than it was before babies :)

  2. Yes my body has changed after having/nursing 4 kids, but it doesn't make me any less "hot" than a single woman. If anything, it makes me "hotter". I am able to juggle single parenthood, work and taking care of myself on top of that.

    If anything, being a 'hot mom' should be, and may be, looked at as a bigger accomplishment than a woman without kids. Because being pregnant does change your body, and you don't have as much time, and honestly, you really do love the little bugger(s) and love spending the extra time just loving on them. What could have been once a selfish utilizing of your time on yourself has now become time you give away to your little one(s).

    I think women who believe that moms can't be hot may be embittered with their own lack of self-control and motivation. "Hot" moms should be and need to be, the example of what women can accomplish and it makes a mom feel soo much better about herself when she does!

  3. Sounds kind of like "looking good for your age," I don't want to "look good for a Mom." We should absoultely not accept that being a Mom is the end of our looking and feeling good days. I am proud to say I am more fit and sculpted than I was before having 2 babies!
    I continue to strive to improve myself, I look and feel good for ME!

  4. I agree with FitMom 100%. In my mind being a Physically fit beautiful Mom is the best thing anyone can do for themselves and everyone in their life! I too am in the best shape of my life with two girls and at the age of 41! I am happy with myself, my husband is happy that I am so happy and this in turn makes the children happy! I think it is old school the ways of a Mother running ragged for everyone else but herself. When you take the time for the "me" time and better yourself it benefits everyone around you and then in the long run it's best for all! Yummy Mummy is the way to go!!!

  5. I agree with both the above comments. It really annoys me to hear 'you look good for a mom'. I want to look great period, no qualifiers. AND I refuse to believe that I have to give up feeling great or looking good just because I have children. As you said, having children is wonderful and I love being a mom, but I also enjoy exercise and more recently eating clean.

  6. I agree with all of you. I am an advocate for being and doing it all. It's empowering to accomplish all we do in a day and maintain our health and fitness level. Love your comments and inspiration yummy mummys! Let's make the fit mom concept the norm rather than the exception!
