OxygenD's Yummy Mummy Fitness

Thursday, December 30, 2010

The New Year-just another day?

With the year coming to a close, are your goals for the new year heavy in your thoughts? I won't lie, since Christmas I have indulged and slacked a bit on my training. Playing with my daughter and enjoying lazy days out of the cold have been wonderful. But, deep down I feel it's time to get back on track. There's something about the excitement of the new year, something that makes me want to a better version of myself.

Is the new year just another day for you or does it mark a chance at a new beginning?

Warm wishes for a happy and healthy new year!

Monday, December 27, 2010

How can I help you?

With the hectic holiday rush, I wanted to write a quick note of appreciation. Thank you for supporting the Oxygen Yummy Mummy blog. I look forward to a new year filled with opportunities to help provide valuable information just for you.

What would help you the most as a busy fit mom? Quick recipes, workout ideas, and what about trying to fit it all in to your day? Please share your thoughts. I have a genuine passion to help.

Have fun and be safe!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Cheers to you Yummy Mummys!

For all the yummy mummys out there that have spent countless hours shopping, wrapping, and baking, this ones for you. Celebrate the amazing multitasking powerhouse you are. A mom has so much on her plate all day, it's time to toast you. For all those little things you do that no one notices, and for all the times it feels like no one understands, I do. And, I'm listening. I'd love to hear how I can help?

The holiday will be here in a moment, so embrace it and remember you're only 1 person with 2 hands and can only do so much. Let all the little things go and celebrate the season! This is the stuff life is made of, wouldn’t you agree?

Monday, December 20, 2010

Get Excited!

Results are born out of inspiration. This time of year it's a constant struggle to stay motivated. Let's face it it's cold, days are shorter, and time is scarce. It's times like these, we need to reconnect with what motivated us to begin with.

After I had my daughter, I created a vision board of all the" fit moms" that proved it was possible to get fit post-baby. This vision board is in my kitchen. Yes, I find it particularly helpful there next to the refrigerator. On top of the board I wrote "Get Excited!" Without excitement it's hard to continue to push toward your goal, especially during the holidays.

What strategies do you have to stay motivated? From one busy mom to another let's help inspire each other and Get Excited!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Put yourself on your to do list!

Do these words sound familiar, overwhelmed, over committed, and exhausted! As a mother trying to balance life, the roles always seem to blur together.

How do we better define the lines and not come up short on time for ourselves? Fitness has been my answer. It’s “my world” where I plug into my Ipod and become “me” for just a moment. The dishes, laundry, and work will all still be there waiting for me when I’m done. Learning to put myself on my to do list has ignited a heart felt desire to do and be more.
I’m not a supermom. I’m just a mom with a genuine passion for health and fitness. I believe when you have passion, anything is possible!

Empowering steps to taking a little time for you-

It’s life changing to say no! If you have 1 free hour available that doesn't mean you have to schedule something.

Every night before bed write down everything you need to do the next day and prioritize them.

Focus on the key things you have to do and refrain from getting distracted.

Schedule time for you. Even a ten minute walk can help you reconnect with yourself.

It's not about being perfect. Just do your best!

Remember busy doesn't equal productive.

How do you avoid the trap of being over committed and exhausted? What do you do just for you? I would love to hear.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

You can have your cookies and eat them too!

I read somewhere the average weight gain during the holidays is 7-12 pounds. Baking cookies for kids’ school functions and holiday parties can make weight gain seem inevitable. Plus this time of year treats are everywhere, so how do we keep the holiday pounds away?
Make your holiday season a healthy with these easy tips:
It’s not about deprivation, but moderation.
Exercise portion control. Allow yourself to indulge and enjoy it!
Cut back a bit on dinner to balance out the additional calories.
Try eating and savoring a couple bites, sometimes we don't need the whole treat.
Aim for indulging earlier in the day.
Be a healthy example to your children.
Exchange processed White flour for Whole Wheat flour.
Exchange white table sugar for Sucanat or rapadura sugar.
Bring your own healthy treats to functions like the recipes below.
Make baking a family fun time.
Opt for hot apple spiced cider and herbal teas to curb cravings.
Add 10-15 minutes to your daily workouts.
Time is scarce during the holidays, but exercise is imperative.
Holidays can be stressful. Keep up your workouts to relieve this stress and boost your immune system.
Enjoy family time participating in winter activities like- ice skating, sledding, or building a snowman.
Excellent Healthy Cookie/Crumble Recipes
Hazelnut Espresso Cookies
Blackberry and Apple crumble
Chocolate Oatmeal Cookies
Almond Butter Chocolate Chip cookies

Wouldn't you agree that everyone deserves to indulge a bit during the holidays? How are you going to avoid the holiday weight gain that afflicts so many?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

My ‘aha’ moment

Do you ever wonder how some women manage to do it all? You know, working out every day, cooking all their meals from scratch, working full-time AND being a parent?

When I had my daughter, I thought it was impossible to achieve. Between work, feeding, changing and following a nap schedule, even a shower was a luxury. Finding time to work out? You’ve got to be kidding me.

As a 40-year-old mother, I really believed my fitness days were over. I felt too guilty to take time for myself. But there was a pivotal moment while I was weaning my daughter. We had family pictures taken. You know those pictures that make you think, “Do I really look that heavy?” That was it for me! I promised myself I would lose the baby weight.

I had to figure out how to exercise and eat right with my schedule. Putting together quick but effective workouts and learning how to make healthy food fast, have gotten me in the best shape of my life. Taking 30-45 minutes a day first thing in the morning and cooking and freezing food on Wednesday and Sunday have insured my success.

I also realized making time to workout and eat right wasn’t just something for me. I found out a happy, healthy mom equals a happy, healthy family.

My top fit mom tips:


  • Wake up early enough to get your workout in.
  • Put your favorite music on your iPod and put it with your tennis shoes next to your bed.
  • Increase calorie burn with HIIT, plyos, sprints, and jump rope in-between exercises.
  • Make a binder of workouts and new recipes to keep your enthusiasm fresh.


  • Abandon the all or nothing mentality. Something is always better than nothing.
  • Reward yourself with something other than food like a massage, pedicure, or a new outfit.
  • Make a vision board of other fit moms who inspire you.
  • Keep a journal with motivational quotes and track your nutrition, training, and progress.
  • Remember you are worth it and you‘re not alone!


  • Invest time and research into cooking all the foods you love in a healthy way.
  • Find restaurants or grocery stores in your area that offer quick and healthy food choices.

As a mother have you ever wondered how to do it all? Have you experienced a pivotal moment or struggled with feelings of guilt?

Please share your story- the successes and the struggles!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

We are the choices we make

I don't know about you but being a fit mom is a choice I have to make all day everyday-every bite of food and every workout. But as I move through my day, it has a way of feeling like it’s happening to me rather than for me. Have you ever felt this way? In my journal I wrote out these 5 key issues and when I was able to answer all of them, I found success.

Plan: What is my daily plan?
Organization: What do I need to organize to make sure my plan succeeds?
Motivation: What motivates me?
Nutrition: What do I like to eat? How can I eat these foods in a healthy way?
Training: What time of day will I commit to 5 days a week? How will I train?

As moms our days are continually derailed. Please tell me what you do to stay on track?