OxygenD's Yummy Mummy Fitness

Thursday, December 30, 2010

The New Year-just another day?

With the year coming to a close, are your goals for the new year heavy in your thoughts? I won't lie, since Christmas I have indulged and slacked a bit on my training. Playing with my daughter and enjoying lazy days out of the cold have been wonderful. But, deep down I feel it's time to get back on track. There's something about the excitement of the new year, something that makes me want to a better version of myself.

Is the new year just another day for you or does it mark a chance at a new beginning?

Warm wishes for a happy and healthy new year!


  1. Every new year brings a new energy within me to reassess my goals (of several years) and hope to succeed in the new year, finally. I enjoy a fresh calendar and a new start.

  2. A new start always brings excitement. Make this your year!
