OxygenD's Yummy Mummy Fitness

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011, time to write your comeback story!

Having a baby changes everything. I know after I had my daughter, I didn't believe I could be in "fitness" shape again. I knew I could lose weight, but I truly thought my fitness days were over.
I had a revelation one day looking at a picture of myself-my thinking was determining my results. Wouldn't you agree that you can only go as far as your thinking will take you?

Fitness isn't just for the girls in the magazines, it's for us moms too. I'm happy to say I pushed the doubt aside and decided I was going to get in the best shape of my life.

Here are my Oxygen covers pre and post-baby.The Fat Loss cover from Winter 2010 and my first Oxygen Cover April 2005. I was told my abs were better post-baby! Can you imagine?

Moms, I encourage you to believe in yourself and make 2011 your year! Share your comeback story and submit your pictures to the Future of Fitness.

Wouldn't you agree being a mom doesn't mean your fitness days are over?


  1. Dear Kim,

    I so much appreciate your blog. It's been a great addition to the oxygen website. I enjoy reading all your tips and learning a little bit about you.

    I do struggle with having to balance family (i have two children, 3 year old daughter and 19 month old son), work (Adoption Worker for Children Services), and taking care of myself (fitness and nutrition). I have so much guilt for spending time away from my children to work, although I realize that this is important with providing care for my children and also I feel that my role at work is an honor because I get to work with so many amazing foster/adoptive parents and so many wonderful kids.

    I've had the goal of transforming my body - to be in the best shape of my life now for at least the last 10 years. In 2010, I ran my first 5K. This 2011, I'm going to succeed at even more.

    I look forward to everything and anything you can share on the road to change, fitness, nutrition, and balancing it all with being a mother (and all the other roles in life, wife, etc).

    I keep thinking that a fitness and nutrition for dummies book with great detail, steps to take, would be such a great idea (if someone could create that for me, wow). I read so much information about fitness and nutrition, but I still struggle with doing it.

    I have to get my mind under control because so many thoughts and feelings determine how successful I have been and will be.

    Thanks again for everything!

    (On my journey to transformation)

    PS. Are there any books that you have found inspiring and informational about change, fitness and nutrition?

  2. Right! Being a mom doesn't mean your fitness days are over, in fact it means your fitness is more important as ever. I remember, as my kids got older and bigger, contemplating such thoughts, (crazy as they are)as I need to be strong enough and fit enough, to carry them out of a burning house or building, if need be, swim to the bottom of a pool or lake, if need be, whatever I would have to do to save their lives if they were ever in danger, I was going to be a strong enough and fit enough mom to do that!

    Love following you Kim!
    Your Biggest Fan Always,
    Shelley Johnson

  3. Hello,

    Thank you so much for your support and feedback. I created my latest blog to help answer the easy meals question. I hope it helps. Please let me know? I appreciate your suggestions.

    Here's to making 2011 your best year yet,


  4. I agree completely!!

    Being a mother of two young girls, I'm realizing (like the other ladies) that it is more important now than it was before to lead a healthy lifestyle because I'm not only teaching and showing them how to be healthy for the long-term, but also setting up their little bodies for the rest of their lives.

    I also think its incredibly important to stay in fitness - whether its just taking some time a few days a week to work out or setting a major goal like competing. That time we take for ourselves keeps us sane and gives us a "break", and therefore makes us better, more patient, and happier moms!!

    Thank you Kim - I'm SO excited to follow your blog, as I know you always have amazing insight and advise because you actually practice what you preach. Its a rare and amazing trait.

    Thanks again for all your direction, keep up the good work!! Oxygen couldn't have picked a yummier mummy!!! :)

    Emily Hellman

  5. Thank you Emily. Feel free to suggest topics for the blog as well.

  6. No doubt this mom thing is tough! Laura's response made me lol! I have been "dreaming" of getting my body back since my my daughter was born....in 1993! I had 3 back to back pregnancies after that and needless to say, now live in a house full of teenagers! It's almost harder to find time now compared to when they were little!
    In 2005 I made a decision to change my life, and lost 40 pounds. I ran with my kids, I worked out, I cooked, I had friends over for dinner...then in 2008 my life took a turn. My husband was unfaithful. It was a devastating time. I lost friends, I questioned myself, my choices, worst of all, a huge depression set in and started a cycle of over-indulgence. Too much food, not enough exercise, and WAY too much red wine!
    Kim for the last year you have been a source of knowledge for me that has been irreplaceable. I wasnt on track, but every time I saw you pop up on my twitter or fb, I thought, I WILL do this some day. SO this is it! I'm 39 this year, I am giving myself a year and a half to become the best me I can be. It will be the best 40th birthday present ever!
    What child wouldnt want a healthy happy mom?
    So thank you for your continued inspiration Kim!
    (By the way, my husband and I are together, celebrating 15 years of marriage this summer! That has been alot of work in itself!)

    Kate Borgeson

  7. I wasn't sure if I should comment to Kate or Catherine on the last post? However, I had to tell you that I'm so sorry about all you've been through. It sure sounds like your attitude is in the right place though. Make 40 the best you've been from the inside out! I'm completely flattered that in some way I've provided you with knowledge. Take care of yourself and keep me posted on your 40th Birthday goal!
