OxygenD's Yummy Mummy Fitness

Monday, February 7, 2011

Don't Give up on Yourself

You know that feeling you get when you watch a great movie? It has a way of drawing you in and making you think. That’s how I felt this weekend after I watched Secretariat. I couldn't help but identify with the themes of not giving up, and believing in something that no one else believes is possible.

Have you ever believed something to be true without any proof? That's how fitness has always been for me. I don't know if you know this, but I decided to compete in fitness in my 30's and return to fitness competitions after having my daughter in my 40's. When I started, I wasn't in shape and didn't have any dance background. I remember people telling me, learning gymnastics in your 30's is impossible. There’s something to be said for pushing what people think or say aside, and believing in what you know you're capable of doing.
I know someone will read this, and they’ll feel that tug in their heart. Having a baby does not mean your fit body days are over, and age is just a number like the scale. Fitness is for everyone, at any stage.

You see accomplishing my fitness goals has made me feel alive, capable, and for the first time in my life I feel like I can do anything.…even walk across a stage in a swimsuit. After I watched the movie, I wrote this quote in my journal-
" You've already won when you made the decision not to quit."

Have you given up? Do you have a goal you know you can achieve?

These pictures are of me at 30 in green and 41 in purple. I can’t imagine what I would feel and look like, if I decided to quit on myself!


  1. Thanks for the pep talk!

    You should read Dara Torres' memoir - super inspirational!

  2. Kim,

    Thank you so much for sharing! I really enjoy reading your blog and look forward to learning more. It really inspires me to know that a mother and hard working woman such as yourself can and does make time to take care of yourself! Thank you!!


  3. You have always told me this... year after year!! Never give up on yourself, never settle, you can have it all!! I am blessed to have you in my life Kim! I am so happy that you have this blog to share your wisdom and inspire others! You are proof that you can have it all (with hard work and discipline of course!!!) Thank you for always being you and always being there for me!!! :)

  4. I have to add a thank you for being such an inspiration to us mom's, we need all the support we can get in our busy lives, love the blog!

  5. Thanks...I needed that! You are such an inspiration! I am so grateful for your advice!

  6. You never give up. You are an inspiration to everyone in the sport. I admire you tremendously for your attitude, compassion, and physical perfection.

  7. I'm grateful for all the feedback. Great suggestion, Donna. I wrote my latest blog "Gold Medal Mom" about Dara Torres. As moms, it's encouraging to know achieving our goals are possible. My little success story pales in comparison, but I think it's important for all of us to be ambassadors of fitness and health in our communities.

    Thank you for supporting the yummy mummy blog. If you have any suggestions on topics you want to read about, please send them my way.

    Yours in health,


  8. Just love the changes you have made and such proof positive that no matter what, you CAN look younger as you get older!! Thanks for all the motivation Kimmi:)

  9. This post could not have come at a better time! I'm about to turn 40 in 5 days and want to prove to myself that 40 will be the new 20 for me. I looked good, but felt like crap in my 20's.

    I've had 3 children, and my abs are proof that I let myself go. I've always blamed my stomach and extra fat on childbirth. How original huh?

    I'm dealing with Type 1 Diabetes, so I have to keep my blood sugar levels at close to perfect before the benefits of eating clean and working out will take effect, but I know I can do it!

    If you don't mind, I'm going to steal your quote, cuz in my mind, I'm NOT quitting!!!


  10. Roxie-Girl, I hope you had a Happy Birthday! Don't give up, and I'd be honored if you stole my quote.

    Beth, Thank you!

    Yours in health,

