OxygenD's Yummy Mummy Fitness

Thursday, February 17, 2011

You are Someone's Inspiration

Here’s something you might have never guessed? I bet in your gym and community, you are someone’s inspiration. I’m sure you’re thinking, who me? Yes, you! Running errands and picking up your children in fitness gear spreads a message of health and fitness. You’re probably so busy, you don’t even realize how many moms are wondering how you do it all. Being a fit mom is the way we live our lives, and it makes a statement. Have you ever considered that helping someone else is a tremendous motivator? Be that someone that takes the time to listen and to share your experiences. I believe we can all help each other.

My sister started a weigh in Friday at her children’s school with all the teachers. She’s helping so many people by taking the initiative to make health a focus. It’s this kind of thinking that makes our goals, well, our goals. Here are some practical ways to apply this to our lives:
  • Organize a weigh in at the office, gym, or your circle of friends.
  • If you are a personal trainer or dietician, offer to speak at your children’s school.
  • Help someone get started by sharing what you do in the gym.
  • Invite someone from work or a friend to your favorite fitness class.
  • At office parties and school functions bring healthy snacks.
  • If you’re a new mom, get other moms together with your strollers to go for walks, and follow mommy boot camp workouts together.

Don't you think leading by example makes you accountable?
So wouldn’t you agree that helping someone else reach their fitness goals, will push you to work even harder?


  1. I was just instant messaging with my baby Sister and offered to help her put together a weekly meal plan. She is lost right now and wants to begin a healthy lifestlye.
    I'm going to send her one of Tosca's books to help with her motivation.
    But by the end of our talk today, I could tell she was getting excited.
    I had women helping me in the beginning and now it's my turn to pay it forward.

    I love and care for my Sister so so much.

    Thanks for a super inspirational post Kim!


  2. I started helping this lady with some workout tips and last weekend she was so excited ti be able to reach the bottom aisle at grocery stores and also to be able to clean her house and be more flexible now. It made my day because I only realized than how difficult it was for someone to be overweight and the simple task can be impossible because of their weight.

  3. Thank you all for your comments. I want to individually address them-
    Roxie, Congratulations to you and your sister. You're helping her change her life and in the process strengthening your relationship. I'm so happy for you both.
    Simplywebly, when I hear stories like this it makes my eyes well up. Fitness is for everyone at any stage. Improving her quality of life must have felt great:) Congratulations!
    Tommy & Crystal, giving back and being accountable make fitness life long. Great input.
    Thank you for your thoughts and for sharing.

    Yours in health,

