OxygenD's Yummy Mummy Fitness

Monday, February 28, 2011

Is Your Body Image Affecting Your Children?

Do you engage in negative self-talk in front of your children? As a child, I clearly remember my mother thinking she was overweight. And although she wasn't, I'm wondering how this affected me? I'm currently preparing for my WBFF Pro Fitness Model Debut, and I have to catch myself from making statements about the way I look in front of my daughter. Competing is extreme, and I want to make sure my conversation does not include negative descriptive words, or have a tone of dissatisfaction with myself. It’s very important to me that she grows up with a healthy self-image. After all, what we look like is only a small part of who we are.

Did your mother have a healthy self-image? Do you think the way she felt about herself affected you? And, how do you balance your fitness goals without communicating obsessive or unhealthy behavior?


  1. My mom never talked about her self-image. I assume that's a good thing, but I remember instead identifying with actresses and models, so maybe it would have been good to have some type of realistic self-image role model.

    I try so hard to be careful with what I say around my girls, but I'll be honest and say its hard sometimes. They notice when I eat at different times or different things than them, even though I try to feed them what I eat most of the time. "F-a-t" is a bad word at my house, but as they get older I'm learning I can't control what other girls at school talk about - I guess it makes me more determined to make sure that at home they are learning a healthy self-image.

    I love this topic though. I feel as though many of us won't admit that we do this, even though we do. Hopefully at least it will make us all more aware of it if we do it, and strive to make changes.

    Thanks Kim!!

  2. Sometimes we forget that kid's brains are like little sponges, absorbing every bit of information. They practice what they see, it's very important for us, parents to be good role models for them.
