OxygenD's Yummy Mummy Fitness

Thursday, March 3, 2011

If you want to be in Oxygen, visit the booth at The Arnold!

Have you ever wanted to compete or be a fitness model? If so, attend The Arnold this weekend. The energy is amazing and 175,000 people will be at the Arnold Expo from all around the World.

Your top destination should be the Oxygen booth. You’ll be able to meet models from the magazine, as well as the Editors. I had the privilege of working the booth last year, so I thought I’d share a photo. It was so much fun!

Are you going? If so, make sure to stop by!

Find out more about what it takes to be an Oxygen cover girl!

1 comment:

  1. I'm going, but just read on Facebook that you won't be there...bummer! Hope to meet you one day.

    I def plan on hitting up the Oxygen booth, I want to get a book signed by Mr. Kennedy, hope it's possible. It's a book that started me on my path to health and fitness.

