OxygenD's Yummy Mummy Fitness

Monday, March 28, 2011

Do you find yourself saying, " I used to be, or when I was?"

Taken from a page out of my journal, two months after I had my daughter, I wrote;"Being a mom has truly completed my life, I never knew I could love anyone this much. But, I want my old body back. I feel like I used to look so much better. I don't want to feel this way during the happiest time of my life. Why can't I have both?"

Unless you've experienced your abs being stretched beyond their capacity, only to watch them look like a deflated balloon, it's hard to imagine the lack of control you feel. Your post-pregnancy body has a process to work through to regain it's former shape, the inside and the outside. In my experience, stomach skin takes the longest to come back. If you've just had a baby or miss your pre-baby body, with some persistence and time, you will get back to your old self and even better. It's a process, and there's no way to rush it.

Do you feel like you used to be, or find yourself saying, when I was? Determine when you felt your best? Was it High School, preparing for a competition, or a time when you wanted to wear a bikini with confidence on a vacation? Use this to encourage yourself, but don't compare yourself against it. Somehow, I think we pick a point in our lives when we felt our best, and always measure ourselves against it. This isn't it fair, for a number of reasons. For one, what if you could surpass that time? And two, it takes the focus off of whole body health and wellness and puts it solely on the way you look.

Motherhood is an incredible gift, but don't you agree it's okay to want both? To be a mom and be your fittest? I don't know about you but I don't want to feel like I used to be anything, I want to know I can be whatever I put my mind to. Get inspired! Be a Yummy Mummy, get fit and share your success. I'd love to hear your comments!

* Photo at 38.5 weeks pregnant with our daughter, Giavella.


  1. I think it is better than ok to want to be a good mom, and a fit healthy mom. That is how we instill in our children a love and a lifestyle of health and fitness.
    Like a flight attendant says "put your mask on before helping other's put their's on" we have to take care of us:physically, mentally, and emotionally so we can better take care of our loved ones... and because nobody else is going to do it for us. We have to decide that we are worth the time and energy it takes to be our best.... and then do what it takes.
    I love this post and I am thankful for your influence and reminders!

  2. What a great way to say it, "putting your mask on first!" We are worth the time and energy. I really appreciate you sharing, thank you Teri!

  3. Love this post and I absolutely agree it is more than ok to be a mom and be fit! I am proud to say I am the fittest that I have ever been...earned my 1st 6 pack after 2 kids! I find that my new passion for being fit and healthy is actually what keeps me sane! :) My gym time is my "me" time. Taking care of me makes me better at taking care of them. And the gifts you provide your children in teaching them the value of clean eating and exercise, starting them with their own healthy "lifestyle"...priceless.

  4. Thank you for this post! I am in my 40th week of pregnancy, and found that not being able to set fitness goals (at this point, just stretching and moving is all I can do. . . although up to month 9 I was still happily going at it at the gym) has been tough on me. I love your comment that you can be both: the fit you you want to be, and the woman who loves and cares for her child. By always keeping that in mind, I've made it through to the end of my pregnancy. I am looking forward to all the challenges, once I have my little boy.
