OxygenD's Yummy Mummy Fitness

Monday, March 14, 2011

Goal or Wish?

“I want to lose 10 pounds.” “I need to be in shape for our summer vacation.” These are wishes, not clearly defined fitness goals. I have a love for education. So, while reading my ISSA Specialist in Fitness Nutrition book last night, I thought I should share this: Making a statement like, “ I need to tone up,” doesn’t include the daily behavior goals necessary to reach success. Consider the difference, a goal is “ I want to lose 10 pounds in 12 weeks. I’m committed to one hour of exercise and a eating 500 calories less daily. I will eat breakfast every day and protein with every meal."

If you’re committed to what you can control daily, like getting your workout in and what you eat, success is around the corner. Compare this with an unorganized game plan and standing on the scale frustrated!

Moms, do you have a specific goal, and is it-

  • Written down

  • Measurable

  • On a deadline

  • Realistic

  • Inspiring
    I climbed a mountain for this picture and that’s what reaching your fitness goals feels like! Photo Courtesy of Imirage/LHGFX.


  1. A way I use to remember this concept is: Goals need to be SMaRT - Specific, Measurable, Realistic and Time sensitive.

  2. GREAT Tommy!!!

    I have specific goals for eating, but not working out. I've read so many Oxygen magazines and all of Tosca's books, but why am I still in the clouds when it comes to what I want my workouts to look like and goals to be?
    I actually do have them written down, just not the workout part.
    I think sometimes I'm reading too much and not putting the words into action. It's like I'm waiting for the perfect workout to come along, AND I don't want to be doing the wrong workout that won't help me.
    I don't know how many days to workout, what kind of cardio, how many days of rest, and so on and so on.
    Today I am going to write down a workout and stick to it for 30 days, no more messing around!
    I'm sure any exercise is better than NONE at this point.


  3. Hi Roxie-Girl, wow you could have been writing for me!! That's exactly my line of thinking, I eat clean , have just finished Tosca's new 'Stripped' book and want that tight toned physique, and I work out 6 days p/wk. BUT I cannot get my routine together of what to do when, how much cardio to do and whether it be HIITS or endurance. I too feel like I'm waiting for some 'sign' to say here it is now go do it!!

    You have made me re-think my goals and yes, I'm also going to sit down and work out my fitness plan for the next 4 weeks and then revisit and do it again.

    Thanks for the inspiration!


  4. Natasha... email me thegetinshapegirl@gmail.com because I might be able to help you!!!

  5. Hello Everyone,

    Acquiring information is great, but it needs action to see results. Start with something basic like, I commit to 5 hours of exercise per week-30 min of weight training and 30 min of cardio. I will do 3 days of regular cardio and 2 days of HIIT. I will split 5 days of weight training into legs, back bis and tris, back and shoulders and then repeat. Abs on alternating days.
    When you get the feel of things, take Oxygen with you and add the workouts in. Use the magazine to keep your training fresh. The magazine also has plenty of nutrition plans and recipes to keep your diet on track.

    Hope this helps.

    Yours in health,


  6. I am 5 ft. 4 in tall and weigh 130 lb. How much weight should I be working out with in order to sculpt my body. I absolutely do not want to look bulky.

    Sophia Aguilar
