OxygenD's Yummy Mummy Fitness

Monday, April 18, 2011

Have you secretly written yourself off?

Making a comeback to fitness after having my daughter and turning 40, has been anything but easy. So when I opened the April issue of Oxygen and noticed I was voted Oxygen's Fittest Mom, I was so flattered and humbled I got emotional. As I looked at the picture, it occurred to me that I had written myself off secretly. I thought I'm old, and I'm a mom now. I used this as a way to protect myself from not placing well at a show or being rejected by magazines. But there I was next to 12 time Olympian Dara Torres, she was voted "Best Comeback." Overwhelming!

Being in this industry and admiring so many of you fit moms, I want to thank you for your inspiration and for showing that having a baby isn't the end of being in shape. Let's all continue to spread this message and help each other know that you can be fit, look and feel your best, and be a mom. Yes, you can be all of it!


  1. Thank you for being one of those inspiring Moms! It is hard work but, yes, we can be all of it!

  2. Honestly, I'm terrified to have children on so many levels. But seeing your physique (as well as other competitors) after having kids, makes me realized that with hard work, not all is lost.

    thank YOU for being an inspiration!

  3. I agree with FitMom you both are inspirational!! Having kids does make it harder but they and you are worth it :0)

  4. Before I had a child I was always in awe of women that had an incredible body post-baby. I hope to spread the message that you can be all of it-a mom and in shape!
    Thank you for the inspiration:)
