OxygenD's Yummy Mummy Fitness

Monday, April 11, 2011

Total Summer Bikini Body Plan, Get Yummy!

I don't think there's anything I dread more than swimsuit shopping, okay maybe jean shopping is up there too. I know this might seem odd coming from me, but I know the difference good lighting makes. Dressing room lighting somehow perfectly brings out every flaw it can. Picture me looking in the mirror with anguish, and my daughter fidgeting and wanting to climb under the stall into the other one. It was actually a nice distraction, doesn't it sound familiar? So Moms, the next time you go swimsuit shopping buy the suit you love and ignore the lighting. I have been receiving this question a lot lately: "I don't want this summer to be like all the others, I want to be able to put on a swimsuit and not want to cover it up with a t-shirt? With all the kids summer parties, I dread this every year, please help!"

  • Summer is still a few months away, so it's a perfect time to set a "I will feel confident in my swimsuit this summer goal." Find a swimsuit you love, hang it in your closet, and use it to motivate you!

  • If there's one thing I know, living on mommy-time summer is coming faster than we think. So please share what you look forward to this summer? Is it rocking that bikini with confidence for the first time, or obtaining your fitness goals and feeling confident in a swimsuit? Maybe even scheduling a photo shoot? Whatever your motivation, I'd love to hear it.

*Make sure to pick up this edition, "Total Summer Body Plan" packed full of great advice and tips for swimsuit season.


  1. I love summer, spending as much time as possible outside! I look forward to so many things in the summer months...sunny days, fresh air and extra days off with the kids. We hit the lake for long weekends, go hiking, swimming, water skiing. I stay fit to be sure I have the energy to enjoy these times with the family and of course, look good and feel confident and proud of my physique in summer attire. I am also looking forward to participating in a Summer Transformation Challenge to push myself to the next level as I aspire to get into fitness modeling, planning on scheduling my 1st photo shoot for the end of the summer. Nervous reaching outside my comfort zone but motivated and inspired to reach my goals! Gonna be a great summer!

  2. Im looking forward to shocking my friends at the pool when they see my awesome stomach! Then we will get into a wonderful conversation about two of my favorite hobbies...eating healthfully and lifting weights!
    Not to mention all of the fun weekend festivals and playdate picnics i will enjoy with my kids this summer.

  3. Haley, I'm so excited for you! You will be an inspiration to other moms spreading health and fitness, I love it!
    And fitmom, your abs are amazing:) Make sure to send your photos to Oxygen's Future of Fitness. Getting out of your comfort zone is a bit scary, but it will be so worth it. You will be motivating moms along the way. It's so important to share health and fitness and show people they too can look and feel their best!
    Love the feedback:)

  4. Kim, I will definately be sending photos to Future of Fitness! That has actually been one my goals! Thanks for the compliments and encouragement!
