OxygenD's Yummy Mummy Fitness

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Is a Mom's day destined to be Groundhog Day?

Dishes, laundry, work, cooking... it all has a way of feeling like Groundhog Day. I love being a mom, but yesterday I was doing dishes and I thought, didn't I just do this? In case you're wondering, Groundhog Day was a movie where a man woke up and relived the same day over and over again. Do you ever feel like this?

I think the trick is to learn to be at peace and happy with the plain old Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday of life. Doing little things like adding bubbles to play time or downloading all your old favorite songs and playing them while doing mundane tasks sure helps. Lately my daughter has been a big fan of Walking on Sunshine and Girls just Wanna Have Fun, which totally remind me of being a teenager. Watching her sing and dance sure takes the boring out of all the time I spend in the kitchen.

With all the things required of us moms daily, how do you keep the monotony from turning your life into Groundhog Day?


  1. I think those little 'random' things like dancing with your child or reading a book or the unexpected hugs and kisses that come your way. When it comes to teenagers, it's just sitting and talking or saying 'I love you' or joking around.

  2. Great comment Tracy! It changes with every stage, but those moments can be found in all of them!
