OxygenD's Yummy Mummy Fitness

Thursday, March 31, 2011

I eat clean all week, but on the weekends...

Does this sound familiar? With birthday parties, kids functions, and all the running around, weekends can be a challenging time to eat clean. I have battled with the mentality that, "it's the weekend, I work hard all week and deserve to indulge a bit." This is fine, if you've achieved your goal and are maintaining it. But, if your results have plateaued, this may be the reason. I receive a lot of emails, and this is a common question: "If I eat clean all week and train hard, can't I eat what I want on the weekends?" Here's my answer: If there are 365 days in a year, 104 of them are the weekend. This is roughly a third of the year. With 261 days dedicated to fitness and 104 dedicated to indulging, your results will drastically suffer. I never miss a meal, in fact, I enjoy food more than I should. So, this is a battle in my life. Because I don't believe in unbalanced living, I have found enjoying one meal on the weekend of whatever I want my key to success and food happiness! What is your strategy for the weekends? Are they derailing your fitness goals? Are you up for doing a challenge of one planned indulgence meal versus the whole weekend to break out of your plateau or push your results to the next level?

Monday, March 28, 2011

Do you find yourself saying, " I used to be, or when I was?"

Taken from a page out of my journal, two months after I had my daughter, I wrote;"Being a mom has truly completed my life, I never knew I could love anyone this much. But, I want my old body back. I feel like I used to look so much better. I don't want to feel this way during the happiest time of my life. Why can't I have both?"

Unless you've experienced your abs being stretched beyond their capacity, only to watch them look like a deflated balloon, it's hard to imagine the lack of control you feel. Your post-pregnancy body has a process to work through to regain it's former shape, the inside and the outside. In my experience, stomach skin takes the longest to come back. If you've just had a baby or miss your pre-baby body, with some persistence and time, you will get back to your old self and even better. It's a process, and there's no way to rush it.

Do you feel like you used to be, or find yourself saying, when I was? Determine when you felt your best? Was it High School, preparing for a competition, or a time when you wanted to wear a bikini with confidence on a vacation? Use this to encourage yourself, but don't compare yourself against it. Somehow, I think we pick a point in our lives when we felt our best, and always measure ourselves against it. This isn't it fair, for a number of reasons. For one, what if you could surpass that time? And two, it takes the focus off of whole body health and wellness and puts it solely on the way you look.

Motherhood is an incredible gift, but don't you agree it's okay to want both? To be a mom and be your fittest? I don't know about you but I don't want to feel like I used to be anything, I want to know I can be whatever I put my mind to. Get inspired! Be a Yummy Mummy, get fit and share your success. I'd love to hear your comments!

* Photo at 38.5 weeks pregnant with our daughter, Giavella.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Creating a Love for Exercise in Our Children

When I was little, I rode my bike everywhere and loved to play outside. There wasn’t a play date or a specific purpose to it, I was a little kid on a mission to have fun and explore. Did you grow up this way too? This concept seems so different than today. We live in different times, and unfortunately safety is an issue. So how do we encourage our children to love exercise, when it seems normal for them to come home from school and park themselves in front of the television or computer? I’ve noticed even my three year old wanting to kick back in the recliner and watch TV, and I have to laugh.

Wanting to encourage family health and wellness, I came up with some practical ideas:

  • Children love music, create an Ipod play list for them and put it on where they can dance. This is my daughter’s favorite, especially in front of the mirror.
  • Take a family walk after dinner.
  • Come up with an appropriate amount of time to be on the Internet and for watching TV.
  • Hike on trails. Getting the kids outside and into nature is something they love.
  • If they talked you into buying a dog, make them stick to their promise of walking it and buy balls and Frisbees to encourage more activity with their pet.
  • Jump ropes, cones, stop watches, and hula hoops, all make for backyard fun. Create obstacle courses and time each other. I run sprints in my backyard, and my daughter runs with me with the timer. Kids love to be included and have responsibility.
  • Baseball, basketball, football, soccer and my family favorite pickle ball are all fun.
  • Gyms offer children’s exercise classes, check to see if you can coordinate one with your workout.
  • If possible, walk to their bus stop so you can walk home together. Encourage other moms to walk, creating a walk pool rather than a car pool.
  • If you’re family has been devastated by a disease, participate in supporting that cause. Such as a breast cancer or heart disease walk or run.

Do you find it hard to get your children to exercise? Do you participate in family activities? Can you share with other moms what you’ve found that works? Don’t you agree leading by example will help teach our children how important daily activity is and instill a love of exercise in them?

Here’s a picture of me and Giavella at the Finish Line at the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Walk.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Are you too hard on yourself?

Picture me going back to the gym after four years. After I had my daughter I started working out at home, but recently I have missed the gym and the time to focus on my training. There I was Saturday, feeling like a fish out of water. Immediately this dialogue started in my head... people are looking at you...you're a professional fitness trainer, athlete and model…so why do you feel so out of place? Chalk it up to one of those days, but it got me thinking. Moms, why are we so hard on ourselves? Do you analyze why you said or did something over and over? Do you beat yourself up over mistakes? Do you give yourself a break?

I have been told all my life that I am way too hard on myself. It's true, I have a tendency to demand a lot from myself. With this comes unrealistic expectations, so my answer has been to stop and ask, "What would I say to my daughter or best friend?" Consider the difference: Feeling defeated from a less than stellar workout, I would tell my best friend….“you were just having an off day, tomorrow you'll be back to yourself…. give yourself a break!"

The voice we listen to the most is our own so we should really watch our internal dialogue, as well as what we say about ourselves to others. I love the quote, "never say anything about yourself you do not want to come true." Now, there's some motivation to stop saying you don’t look good in a bikini!

Do you notice the constant internal chatter? What is it about? If it starts to go in a negative direction, stop and think what would I say to my best friend or my child? And, start watching the words you use to describe yourself are they positive or negative? Don’t you agree you deserve the same break you give everyone else?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Healthy Food Healthy Family

“Don’t take something away, replace it,” this is my healthy family food motto! Here are some family favorites made the healthy way.

Let’s face it, feeding our children healthy food is tough. Even our long term success hinges on a good maintenance program. I believe an exclusive diet of oats, egg whites and chicken is unrealistic, especially for the family. Dedicated to family health, I've found cooking healthy alternatives my key to success.

Wouldn't you agree if you want lifelong results, taking away your family's favorite foods won't last? Do you have any favorite family recipes that you can share? Give these a try, and let me know what you think.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Goal or Wish?

“I want to lose 10 pounds.” “I need to be in shape for our summer vacation.” These are wishes, not clearly defined fitness goals. I have a love for education. So, while reading my ISSA Specialist in Fitness Nutrition book last night, I thought I should share this: Making a statement like, “ I need to tone up,” doesn’t include the daily behavior goals necessary to reach success. Consider the difference, a goal is “ I want to lose 10 pounds in 12 weeks. I’m committed to one hour of exercise and a eating 500 calories less daily. I will eat breakfast every day and protein with every meal."

If you’re committed to what you can control daily, like getting your workout in and what you eat, success is around the corner. Compare this with an unorganized game plan and standing on the scale frustrated!

Moms, do you have a specific goal, and is it-

  • Written down

  • Measurable

  • On a deadline

  • Realistic

  • Inspiring
    I climbed a mountain for this picture and that’s what reaching your fitness goals feels like! Photo Courtesy of Imirage/LHGFX.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Getting out of the House with Kids, a True Test of a Mother's Patience

Remember the days when you grabbed your purse and walked out the door? Why is it so hard to get out of the house? If you're a mom reading this, I know you're smiling. After I had my daughter, I was overwhelmed by the time it took to get a 9 pound, yes I said 9 pound, baby out of the house. As she gets older the list of necessary items changes. My daughter, Giavella has to have everything just so. So, there's no distracting her or winging it. And, doesn't it seem like the one day you forgot something is the only day you needed it-like an extra pair of socks. Wow, all the things we have to think about and that's just to get out the door! And then you look at your impeccable child, well fed, and clothed. Meanwhile, you're in PJS and a scrunchie! I love real life. Sometimes you just have to grab your coffee and go and pray you don't run in to someone, like an ex-boyfriend!

How do you not allow this to frustrate you and ruin your day?
Do you have a full proof method of leaving the house without wanting to leave skid marks:)? If so, please share!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Healthy Habits from Mom

When you become a mother, you get a brand new appreciation of all your mom did for you. This weekend, I hosted a family reunion at our home with 17 people. Being the eldest of five children, it was an honor to bring everyone together. Family is very important to me, and as time passes the opportunities to get together seem to dwindle. With all the kids running around the house and trying to get time in with everyone, I couldn't help but focus on my mother. She was in the kitchen with me the whole time. Her passion for cooking and making healthy food choices are healthy habits she instilled in me. She did not allow me to eat fast food, so to this day I don't. I'm grateful to her for giving me a love for healthy cooking, and for keeping me out of the drive thru's!
In appreciation and acknowledgement of our mothers, what healthy habit did your mother teach you?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

If you want to be in Oxygen, visit the booth at The Arnold!

Have you ever wanted to compete or be a fitness model? If so, attend The Arnold this weekend. The energy is amazing and 175,000 people will be at the Arnold Expo from all around the World.

Your top destination should be the Oxygen booth. You’ll be able to meet models from the magazine, as well as the Editors. I had the privilege of working the booth last year, so I thought I’d share a photo. It was so much fun!

Are you going? If so, make sure to stop by!

Find out more about what it takes to be an Oxygen cover girl!