OxygenD's Yummy Mummy Fitness

Friday, June 17, 2011

New blog address...

The Yummy Mummy Fitness blog has moved...

You can check out the latest posts here!

Thanks for reading the Oxygen magazine blogs!

Monday, May 30, 2011

What's your Body Type?

Why do we compare ourselves to other people? I'm preparing for my WBFF competition in Toronto, and I find myself looking at photos and thinking, "I wish I had her waist, or wow look at her legs!" when I know better.
I think it's important to know your body type and pick appropriate people as your inspiration. I spent the better part of my childhood wanting to look like a ballerina, and that was never going to happen. There are three body types, and within these body types there are combinations of two. Knowing your body type goes a long way in helping you understand what type of training and nutrition your body will respond to. Here are the three body types:

  • ectomorph

  • mesomorph

  • endomorph

Had I known as a teenager that my medium frame mesomorph body would never be able to look like a small frame ectomorph ballerina, I would've saved time feeling defeated in my attempts. As mothers I think it's important to be comfortable in our bodies, because our children are directly affected. Looking at my daughter, I see my shoulders and traps and she's four! It makes my smile, because I would never change a single thing about her and this has helped me make peace with my build and body type. When you look at your children, what do you see of yourself in them?

Have you ever figured out your body type? Don't you think it would help you choose what nutrition and training best suits you? Click here to figure out your body type, and let me know what you think? http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/becker3.htm

Thursday, May 26, 2011

How I got my ABS back!

We've all been there, after the birth of our beautiful children, we look at our bellies and wonder if we'll ever look like we used to. Getting my ABS back after having Giavella felt impossible. My belly looked like a deflated balloon, and trying to adapt to life as a new mom kept me so busy I didn't know how to find the time to make fitness a priority. I wanted to share what helped me, and I hope you'll share what helped you. We can all benefit from telling our experience and supporting each other.

  • Commit to a workout every day for your mental and physical health. This doesn't have to be at the gym. Change your thinking to-something is always better than nothing. I remember days of only being able to do jump rope with push ups, lunges, and squats. Knowing I was doing everything I could empowered me to not give up on myself.

  • Talk to a trainer about the AB exercises to correct Diastasis Recti also known as Abdominal Separation. It involves specific exercises to retrain and strengthen your ab wall that was pulled apart through pregnancy. I still have it a little, but it's much better than what it was.

  • What you're eating is crucial. Get with a Nutritionist or find a Nutrition plan. Your body has been through a lot and clean whole foods will go a long way in getting your weight back down, improving the tightness of your skin, and sustaining your energy.

  • Start or Join a mommy bootcamp. These workouts are not for wimps. They combine different exercises with and without your stroller and are not only good for your body, but it's also important for you to meet with other moms and support each other

  • When you're ready, take on a big goal. Run a marathon, do a fitness competition, whatever it is, it will force you to take a little time every day to make your fitness your focus. Look at Jennifer Lopez, she had twins and did a Triathlon and looks better than ever.

  • Stop making excuses. This one is hard, but the truth is, we all have 24 hours in a day.
I promise you this, if you are consistent day after day with exercise and clean nutrition, you will have your pre-baby belly back. It's a process and can't be rushed, so put up a fight and don't quit until you're where you wanted to be! What do you think?

Monday, May 23, 2011

Post baby belly, will it ever be tight and toned again?

Have you ever said this, "Will the skin on my stomach ever be tight and toned, especially around my belly button? How do you get a tight toned belly after having a baby?"

I'm going to be honest, my stomach has always been my source of frustration, so after having my daughter I was beside myself! It's very hard to be a new mom, but miss your old body.

I'm going to do a two-part series on this blog. On Thursday, I'm going to share what helped me transform my tummy, but for now I want to hear what helped you? How did you get your abs back, or have you? If you haven't what are you struggling with, is it your weight, skin or both?

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Is a Mom's day destined to be Groundhog Day?

Dishes, laundry, work, cooking... it all has a way of feeling like Groundhog Day. I love being a mom, but yesterday I was doing dishes and I thought, didn't I just do this? In case you're wondering, Groundhog Day was a movie where a man woke up and relived the same day over and over again. Do you ever feel like this?

I think the trick is to learn to be at peace and happy with the plain old Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday of life. Doing little things like adding bubbles to play time or downloading all your old favorite songs and playing them while doing mundane tasks sure helps. Lately my daughter has been a big fan of Walking on Sunshine and Girls just Wanna Have Fun, which totally remind me of being a teenager. Watching her sing and dance sure takes the boring out of all the time I spend in the kitchen.

With all the things required of us moms daily, how do you keep the monotony from turning your life into Groundhog Day?

Monday, May 16, 2011

Are fit moms dedicated or obsessed?

Are there people in your life that think your passion for fitness is more like obsession? I struggle with this as a mom, because people try to make me feel like the time I put into fitness is time I'm neglecting my daughter. At a kids birthday party this weekend, I found myself feeling like I didn't fit in. Is it really that weird that my daughter doesn't want soda or a blue cupcake? Moms at parties or children's functions say things like, " I have better things to do with my day than workout, and that my passion for fitness is extreme." I end up feeling like they don't get me at all.

Sometimes I wonder if I am obsessed and if I'm being the best mom I can be, and then I remind myself of this quote- have you heard it, "Obsession is what lazy people call dedication!" Are there people in your life that don't get how you can wake up to workout at the crack of dawn, or how you can pack your food and bring it with you everywhere you go, and they try to make you feel bad about it? But when swimsuit season rolls around they want to know how to get in shape in a few weeks?

Isn't this backwards? How did it get to be the norm to not want to be healthy and why is paying attention to your health considered extreme?

Thursday, May 12, 2011

...And She's a Mom!

Does becoming a mom make you formerly hot? It seems like the minute you become a mom, you're put into a different category and now you come with a disclaimer..."And she's a Mom," seems to be added to the end of all my accomplishments. Being a mom is the biggest and best part of me, but I feel like I'm looked at differently now-do you?

In Miami last week I heard this going through airport security-Lady, is that your kid, and on the beach, " You had a baby?"

Are we conditioned to equate becoming a mother with the end of our hot days? I don't mean hot in a cheesy way, but just looking and feeling our best.

What do you think?

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Yummy Mother's Day!

Don't you think becoming a mom is like joining a sisterhood, where you know what each person has endured and had the privilege to enjoy? Not only do we share this but we also have a love for fitness, these are two big bonds to share. Happy Mother's Day Yummy Mummys! How I appreciate you.

What will you be doing today? Do you have any Mother's Day traditions? We always go to brunch and the zoo. One of these years, I may trade the zoo in for the spa:)

The poem below is one I found while trying to get pregnant. I remember the first time I read it. I wasn't even a mom yet, and it brought tears to my eyes. Don't you think it's beautiful? I love how the writer captures everything we go through so realistically.

In celebration of all we do, go through, and have been blessed to enjoy, I thought I'd share it.

Before I was a Mom


Before I was a Mom I never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby.
I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous.
I never thought about immunizations.
Before I was a Mom - I had never been puked on.
Pooped on.
Chewed on.
Peed on.

I had complete control of my mind and my thoughts.
I slept all night.
Before I was a Mom I never held down a screaming child so doctors could do tests.
Or give shots.
I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.

I never sat up late hours at night watching a baby sleep.
Before I was a Mom I never held a sleeping baby just because I didn't want to put them down.
I never felt my heart break into a million pieces when I couldn't stop the hurt.
I never knew that something so small could affect my life so much.
I never knew that I could love someone so much.
I never knew I would love being a Mom.
Before I was a Mom - I didn't know the feeling of having my heart outside my body.

I didn't know how special it could feel to feed a hungry baby.
I didn't know that bond between a mother and her child.
I didn't know that something so small could make me feel so important and happy.

Before I was a Mom - I had never gotten up in the middle of the night every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay. I had never know the warmth, the joy, the love, the heartache, the wonderment or the satisfaction of being a Mom. I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much, before I was a Mom.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Getting through your failures brings success!

Sometimes the hardest part of a goal is getting started. Then once you're going in the right direction it becomes how do I stay on this path? And when you've reached your goal, you begin wondering how do I maintain this? From getting started, to staying the course, to maintaining your goals; this quote always reminds me that failing is part of success.

I've failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed." Michael Jordan

Remember just like anything we do for the first time, there's some learning and commitment involved. Getting fit and staying fit is an ongoing process. People have often said to me, "Well, isn't it easy now to eat clean? And now that you got your weight down, I bet it's easy to keep it there!" Nothing could be further from the truth. There's an ebb and flow to it, and I fight daily to maintain it. It never gets easier. I'm just quicker to get back on track than when I first started, and I know through journaling what I can and can't get away with it. Failure has brought me the greatest success. It has taught me to keep getting back up, keep believing in myself, and how to overcome setbacks.

Don't you think failing is part of success? And the quicker we are to forgive ourselves and jump back on track, the more likely fitness will become our lifestyle?

Monday, May 2, 2011

Is it selfish to be a fit mom? Should we feel guilty?

I get this question daily. Receiving both sides of the argument, I wanted your opinion. Some argue that when you're a mom it's selfish to put time into fitness. Where others say, you're setting a terrific example for your children.

I think moms have enough to worry about, and it's unfair to make us feel guilty for pursuing health and wellness for ourselves and our families. Yes it takes time to workout, but don't we deserve that and aren't we helping our children in the long run? Watching my three year old daughter do mountain climbers or frog jumps makes me know I'm on the right track. It's absolutely precious to see.

Why do you think people think it's selfish? Or, that we should feel guilty? What could be wrong with teaching your children to love exercise and choose the right foods?
What side of this are you on?

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Portions and Servings, What's the difference?

Do the words portion and serving mean the same thing to you? I hear them being used interchangeably, but the difference between the two could be the reason you can't seem to drop those unwanted pounds. According to the Department of Heath and Human Services and the National Institutes of Health, "portions are the amount of foods you choose to eat" whereas the serving sizes are, "measures used to describe the amount of foods recommended from each food group."

Here's a quick visual reference. 1 Serving Equals...

  • Serving of meat, fish or poultry = deck of cards or the palm of your hand

  • 1/2 cup pasta or grain = one cupped palm

  • Serving of baked potato = computer mouse

  • 1 protein pancake = a dvd

  • 1 slice of bread = a dvd

  • 1 cup of leafy greens = two hands cupped together

  • 1/2 cup cut up veggies = one cupped palm

  • 1 piece of fruit = tennis ball

  • 1/2 cup of fruit, raw, cooked, frozen or canned = one cupped palm

  • 1 tablespoon of dressing = 1/2 your thumb

  • 1 ounce of cheese = one domino

  • 1/2 cup cottage cheese = one cupped palm

  • 1 cup yogurt = two hands cupped together

  • 1 tablespoon peanut butter = 1/2 a ping pong ball

  • 1/4 cup of dried fruit or nuts = Golf ball or large egg

  • 1 teaspoon oil = the tip of your finger or one die

  • 1 teaspoon butter = the tip of your finger or one die
I fear for our children. Quick and easy snacks are way too convenient and unhealthy. Have you noticed that 1 bag of something can be as many as 4 servings? 1 bag feels like it should equal 1 serving, but it doesn't. This is alarming with the majority of kids snacks being packaged and processed. They are getting many times the amount they should. Fruit, veggies, nuts, yogurt, cheese, and natural nut butter on whole grain bread have become my staple snacks for my daughter.

Did this visual guide surprise you? Don't you think using it will help you familiarize yourself with what a serving is and help cut down portions?

Monday, April 25, 2011

I'll be happy when.....

I hear this all the time and it makes me wonder, "Well, what about now?" This weekend I was fortunate to catch an African Dance Program. As I watched it, I was in awe of the beauty and confidence these women exuded. They inspired me to write this,

" Be comfortable in your own skin, no matter what size, age, color, or shape you're in. We're all on a journey somewhere, all a work in progress. Take a moment and embrace You-You right now! Not the you-you want to become someday!"

I hear people say this all the time," I'll be happy when I lose 10 pounds, when I have a flat stomach, or when-well, the list is endless. But don't you think it's important to be happy now?As much as I think goals are important, self-acceptance goes a long way in achieving them.
Do you find yourself saying, "I'll be happy when?"

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Do you want to be a Fitness Model?

Sometimes we need a "big" challenge to push us to our goals. Being a busy mom, I know all to well how we can get lost in the details of everyone else's lives. So, for those moms that email me about how to become a fitness model, this is for you.

Do you want to be a fitness model, or want pictures of yourself to mark this stage of your life? Have you transformed your body or want to transform your body? Scheduling a photoshoot with a professional and reliable photographer, will provide you with images of yourself you'll love. Below is a list of photographers I have worked with and highly recommend. After I had my daughter, I was terrified to put on a swimsuit! With hard work and the encouragement of the photographers below, I was able to feel confident and comfortable. If you're worried about posing, makeup, or even what to wear, they can help you with all of that.

Have you ever wanted professional images you could submit to a magazine? Or pictures of you and your children in your fitness lifestyle? The goal of a photoshoot is a fun and exciting one.
What do you think?

* Photographers I love working with!








Monday, April 18, 2011

Have you secretly written yourself off?

Making a comeback to fitness after having my daughter and turning 40, has been anything but easy. So when I opened the April issue of Oxygen and noticed I was voted Oxygen's Fittest Mom, I was so flattered and humbled I got emotional. As I looked at the picture, it occurred to me that I had written myself off secretly. I thought I'm old, and I'm a mom now. I used this as a way to protect myself from not placing well at a show or being rejected by magazines. But there I was next to 12 time Olympian Dara Torres, she was voted "Best Comeback." Overwhelming!

Being in this industry and admiring so many of you fit moms, I want to thank you for your inspiration and for showing that having a baby isn't the end of being in shape. Let's all continue to spread this message and help each other know that you can be fit, look and feel your best, and be a mom. Yes, you can be all of it!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Is it 50% Diet and 50% Nutrition? How do you think it's split?

A young girl came up to me at gymnastics, and asked, " how do you look like that, I do an hour of cardio 5 days a week and I can't get lean?" When I asked her about her diet she said, "well, if I do cardio I thought I could eat whatever I wanted." Turns out, she thought if she did an hour of cardio, she could eat fast food and still be lean. I wonder if a lot of people feel this way? If the cardio machine says you burned 500 calories, do you think people think this all they need to do? And, what about resistance training? It seems people place more emphasis on cardio. Moms, I know you don't have any free time so:

  • do you find it harder to get your workout in or eat clean?

  • and, if you had to assign percentages to working out and diet how much of each do you feel determines what you look like?

  • do you think it's 50% Nutrition and 50% Training?

Calories are not created equally, and I find relying solely on this ineffective. Technically we could eat a creme filled donut or a chicken breast with 1/2 cup of rice and 1 cup of veggies. Wouldn't you agree?

Monday, April 11, 2011

Total Summer Bikini Body Plan, Get Yummy!

I don't think there's anything I dread more than swimsuit shopping, okay maybe jean shopping is up there too. I know this might seem odd coming from me, but I know the difference good lighting makes. Dressing room lighting somehow perfectly brings out every flaw it can. Picture me looking in the mirror with anguish, and my daughter fidgeting and wanting to climb under the stall into the other one. It was actually a nice distraction, doesn't it sound familiar? So Moms, the next time you go swimsuit shopping buy the suit you love and ignore the lighting. I have been receiving this question a lot lately: "I don't want this summer to be like all the others, I want to be able to put on a swimsuit and not want to cover it up with a t-shirt? With all the kids summer parties, I dread this every year, please help!"

  • Summer is still a few months away, so it's a perfect time to set a "I will feel confident in my swimsuit this summer goal." Find a swimsuit you love, hang it in your closet, and use it to motivate you!

  • If there's one thing I know, living on mommy-time summer is coming faster than we think. So please share what you look forward to this summer? Is it rocking that bikini with confidence for the first time, or obtaining your fitness goals and feeling confident in a swimsuit? Maybe even scheduling a photo shoot? Whatever your motivation, I'd love to hear it.

*Make sure to pick up this edition, "Total Summer Body Plan" packed full of great advice and tips for swimsuit season.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Do you always feel, on?

Here's a moment you'll never forget, remember when you had your first child? All of this sudden it was like a switch was flipped, and you were "on". Don't you feel like you're always, on? You know that feeling that makes you go check on your brand new baby repeatedly to make sure they're breathing? Four years into this, I'm wondering when do you get to shut off? I love my daughter more than anything, so it's hard to admit that sometimes I want one of those pre-baby days back, where I did...I don't even know what with my time! How do you get a little of that back?

Monday, April 4, 2011

Sprints, my Yummy Mummy Leg Secret!

Are your legs and glutes where you want them to be? Frustrated with the condition of my legs, I decided to take some of my cardio and leg training to my backyard. Have you ever tried Sprinting? If your results have stagnated, and your legs aren't where you'd like them to be, incorporate Sprints. After 3 months of adding them to my training twice a week, I noticed my former flatter glutes higher and rounder. As well as, an increase in fat loss, tighter skin, and more separation in my IT band: that's the line that runs vertically down your thigh visually separating your quad and hamstring. Get outside and run! Doing all your training on machines is great, but I have to admit I've noticed the biggest changes taking it outside. Benefits, I've noticed from Sprinting include:

  • You can do them at or near your home, like at a park or high school. I do them at home in my yard. They're convenient!

  • You can do them with your kids.

  • Time saved, not driving to the gym, if done at or near home.

  • Increased fat loss all over.

  • Higher fuller glutes, tighter legs, and more definition.

  • Incredible Endorphin release.

  • Results!

Here's an Oxygen Video of me discussing this, Enjoy!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

I eat clean all week, but on the weekends...

Does this sound familiar? With birthday parties, kids functions, and all the running around, weekends can be a challenging time to eat clean. I have battled with the mentality that, "it's the weekend, I work hard all week and deserve to indulge a bit." This is fine, if you've achieved your goal and are maintaining it. But, if your results have plateaued, this may be the reason. I receive a lot of emails, and this is a common question: "If I eat clean all week and train hard, can't I eat what I want on the weekends?" Here's my answer: If there are 365 days in a year, 104 of them are the weekend. This is roughly a third of the year. With 261 days dedicated to fitness and 104 dedicated to indulging, your results will drastically suffer. I never miss a meal, in fact, I enjoy food more than I should. So, this is a battle in my life. Because I don't believe in unbalanced living, I have found enjoying one meal on the weekend of whatever I want my key to success and food happiness! What is your strategy for the weekends? Are they derailing your fitness goals? Are you up for doing a challenge of one planned indulgence meal versus the whole weekend to break out of your plateau or push your results to the next level?

Monday, March 28, 2011

Do you find yourself saying, " I used to be, or when I was?"

Taken from a page out of my journal, two months after I had my daughter, I wrote;"Being a mom has truly completed my life, I never knew I could love anyone this much. But, I want my old body back. I feel like I used to look so much better. I don't want to feel this way during the happiest time of my life. Why can't I have both?"

Unless you've experienced your abs being stretched beyond their capacity, only to watch them look like a deflated balloon, it's hard to imagine the lack of control you feel. Your post-pregnancy body has a process to work through to regain it's former shape, the inside and the outside. In my experience, stomach skin takes the longest to come back. If you've just had a baby or miss your pre-baby body, with some persistence and time, you will get back to your old self and even better. It's a process, and there's no way to rush it.

Do you feel like you used to be, or find yourself saying, when I was? Determine when you felt your best? Was it High School, preparing for a competition, or a time when you wanted to wear a bikini with confidence on a vacation? Use this to encourage yourself, but don't compare yourself against it. Somehow, I think we pick a point in our lives when we felt our best, and always measure ourselves against it. This isn't it fair, for a number of reasons. For one, what if you could surpass that time? And two, it takes the focus off of whole body health and wellness and puts it solely on the way you look.

Motherhood is an incredible gift, but don't you agree it's okay to want both? To be a mom and be your fittest? I don't know about you but I don't want to feel like I used to be anything, I want to know I can be whatever I put my mind to. Get inspired! Be a Yummy Mummy, get fit and share your success. I'd love to hear your comments!

* Photo at 38.5 weeks pregnant with our daughter, Giavella.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Creating a Love for Exercise in Our Children

When I was little, I rode my bike everywhere and loved to play outside. There wasn’t a play date or a specific purpose to it, I was a little kid on a mission to have fun and explore. Did you grow up this way too? This concept seems so different than today. We live in different times, and unfortunately safety is an issue. So how do we encourage our children to love exercise, when it seems normal for them to come home from school and park themselves in front of the television or computer? I’ve noticed even my three year old wanting to kick back in the recliner and watch TV, and I have to laugh.

Wanting to encourage family health and wellness, I came up with some practical ideas:

  • Children love music, create an Ipod play list for them and put it on where they can dance. This is my daughter’s favorite, especially in front of the mirror.
  • Take a family walk after dinner.
  • Come up with an appropriate amount of time to be on the Internet and for watching TV.
  • Hike on trails. Getting the kids outside and into nature is something they love.
  • If they talked you into buying a dog, make them stick to their promise of walking it and buy balls and Frisbees to encourage more activity with their pet.
  • Jump ropes, cones, stop watches, and hula hoops, all make for backyard fun. Create obstacle courses and time each other. I run sprints in my backyard, and my daughter runs with me with the timer. Kids love to be included and have responsibility.
  • Baseball, basketball, football, soccer and my family favorite pickle ball are all fun.
  • Gyms offer children’s exercise classes, check to see if you can coordinate one with your workout.
  • If possible, walk to their bus stop so you can walk home together. Encourage other moms to walk, creating a walk pool rather than a car pool.
  • If you’re family has been devastated by a disease, participate in supporting that cause. Such as a breast cancer or heart disease walk or run.

Do you find it hard to get your children to exercise? Do you participate in family activities? Can you share with other moms what you’ve found that works? Don’t you agree leading by example will help teach our children how important daily activity is and instill a love of exercise in them?

Here’s a picture of me and Giavella at the Finish Line at the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Walk.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Are you too hard on yourself?

Picture me going back to the gym after four years. After I had my daughter I started working out at home, but recently I have missed the gym and the time to focus on my training. There I was Saturday, feeling like a fish out of water. Immediately this dialogue started in my head... people are looking at you...you're a professional fitness trainer, athlete and model…so why do you feel so out of place? Chalk it up to one of those days, but it got me thinking. Moms, why are we so hard on ourselves? Do you analyze why you said or did something over and over? Do you beat yourself up over mistakes? Do you give yourself a break?

I have been told all my life that I am way too hard on myself. It's true, I have a tendency to demand a lot from myself. With this comes unrealistic expectations, so my answer has been to stop and ask, "What would I say to my daughter or best friend?" Consider the difference: Feeling defeated from a less than stellar workout, I would tell my best friend….“you were just having an off day, tomorrow you'll be back to yourself…. give yourself a break!"

The voice we listen to the most is our own so we should really watch our internal dialogue, as well as what we say about ourselves to others. I love the quote, "never say anything about yourself you do not want to come true." Now, there's some motivation to stop saying you don’t look good in a bikini!

Do you notice the constant internal chatter? What is it about? If it starts to go in a negative direction, stop and think what would I say to my best friend or my child? And, start watching the words you use to describe yourself are they positive or negative? Don’t you agree you deserve the same break you give everyone else?

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Healthy Food Healthy Family

“Don’t take something away, replace it,” this is my healthy family food motto! Here are some family favorites made the healthy way.

Let’s face it, feeding our children healthy food is tough. Even our long term success hinges on a good maintenance program. I believe an exclusive diet of oats, egg whites and chicken is unrealistic, especially for the family. Dedicated to family health, I've found cooking healthy alternatives my key to success.

Wouldn't you agree if you want lifelong results, taking away your family's favorite foods won't last? Do you have any favorite family recipes that you can share? Give these a try, and let me know what you think.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Goal or Wish?

“I want to lose 10 pounds.” “I need to be in shape for our summer vacation.” These are wishes, not clearly defined fitness goals. I have a love for education. So, while reading my ISSA Specialist in Fitness Nutrition book last night, I thought I should share this: Making a statement like, “ I need to tone up,” doesn’t include the daily behavior goals necessary to reach success. Consider the difference, a goal is “ I want to lose 10 pounds in 12 weeks. I’m committed to one hour of exercise and a eating 500 calories less daily. I will eat breakfast every day and protein with every meal."

If you’re committed to what you can control daily, like getting your workout in and what you eat, success is around the corner. Compare this with an unorganized game plan and standing on the scale frustrated!

Moms, do you have a specific goal, and is it-

  • Written down

  • Measurable

  • On a deadline

  • Realistic

  • Inspiring
    I climbed a mountain for this picture and that’s what reaching your fitness goals feels like! Photo Courtesy of Imirage/LHGFX.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Getting out of the House with Kids, a True Test of a Mother's Patience

Remember the days when you grabbed your purse and walked out the door? Why is it so hard to get out of the house? If you're a mom reading this, I know you're smiling. After I had my daughter, I was overwhelmed by the time it took to get a 9 pound, yes I said 9 pound, baby out of the house. As she gets older the list of necessary items changes. My daughter, Giavella has to have everything just so. So, there's no distracting her or winging it. And, doesn't it seem like the one day you forgot something is the only day you needed it-like an extra pair of socks. Wow, all the things we have to think about and that's just to get out the door! And then you look at your impeccable child, well fed, and clothed. Meanwhile, you're in PJS and a scrunchie! I love real life. Sometimes you just have to grab your coffee and go and pray you don't run in to someone, like an ex-boyfriend!

How do you not allow this to frustrate you and ruin your day?
Do you have a full proof method of leaving the house without wanting to leave skid marks:)? If so, please share!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Healthy Habits from Mom

When you become a mother, you get a brand new appreciation of all your mom did for you. This weekend, I hosted a family reunion at our home with 17 people. Being the eldest of five children, it was an honor to bring everyone together. Family is very important to me, and as time passes the opportunities to get together seem to dwindle. With all the kids running around the house and trying to get time in with everyone, I couldn't help but focus on my mother. She was in the kitchen with me the whole time. Her passion for cooking and making healthy food choices are healthy habits she instilled in me. She did not allow me to eat fast food, so to this day I don't. I'm grateful to her for giving me a love for healthy cooking, and for keeping me out of the drive thru's!
In appreciation and acknowledgement of our mothers, what healthy habit did your mother teach you?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

If you want to be in Oxygen, visit the booth at The Arnold!

Have you ever wanted to compete or be a fitness model? If so, attend The Arnold this weekend. The energy is amazing and 175,000 people will be at the Arnold Expo from all around the World.

Your top destination should be the Oxygen booth. You’ll be able to meet models from the magazine, as well as the Editors. I had the privilege of working the booth last year, so I thought I’d share a photo. It was so much fun!

Are you going? If so, make sure to stop by!

Find out more about what it takes to be an Oxygen cover girl!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Is Your Body Image Affecting Your Children?

Do you engage in negative self-talk in front of your children? As a child, I clearly remember my mother thinking she was overweight. And although she wasn't, I'm wondering how this affected me? I'm currently preparing for my WBFF Pro Fitness Model Debut, and I have to catch myself from making statements about the way I look in front of my daughter. Competing is extreme, and I want to make sure my conversation does not include negative descriptive words, or have a tone of dissatisfaction with myself. It’s very important to me that she grows up with a healthy self-image. After all, what we look like is only a small part of who we are.

Did your mother have a healthy self-image? Do you think the way she felt about herself affected you? And, how do you balance your fitness goals without communicating obsessive or unhealthy behavior?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Are You Over-Budgeting Your Time?

Are you trying to cram 2 days worth of projects into a 24-hour day? And, then feeling a sense of failure because you’re unable to do it? The use of budgets for money are a common practice, but have you ever considered applying it to your time? Moms usually make a “to do” list and then spend their day frantically trying to cram it all in. Being guilty of this, it occurred to me that no one could do everything on my list. And certainly not with a child that gets sick and needs your attention at your side all day!

Start with how much time you have in a day and divide it amongst what must get done. This is the necessity list not the extra list. Don’t forget to allow for margin. This means you have planned for extra time like traffic, getting gas and well stopping to get yourself a coffee. Yes, you deserve it! Running around chasing your to do list will leave you exhausted, defeated, and frustrated.

Are you trying to do more than what’s possible in a 24-hour day? Have you ever considered that you have over-budgeted yourself? And, that no one could do everything on your to do list?

Monday, February 21, 2011

Relationships, Good or Bad on Fitness Goals?

Is your relationship affecting your fitness goals? There’s an argument for single vs. committed. If your single, some might say you have time to focus on your goals and want to be in shape for dating. If you’re in a relationship, is it easier to grow comfortable and let your fitness goals go? Or, does the stability of a relationship allow us to focus on the gym?

Does your significant other support your fitness goals? And does this support or lack of it, make a difference? Which side of the argument are you on?

In spirit of this topic, I thought I'd share a picture of me and my husband Billy.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

You are Someone's Inspiration

Here’s something you might have never guessed? I bet in your gym and community, you are someone’s inspiration. I’m sure you’re thinking, who me? Yes, you! Running errands and picking up your children in fitness gear spreads a message of health and fitness. You’re probably so busy, you don’t even realize how many moms are wondering how you do it all. Being a fit mom is the way we live our lives, and it makes a statement. Have you ever considered that helping someone else is a tremendous motivator? Be that someone that takes the time to listen and to share your experiences. I believe we can all help each other.

My sister started a weigh in Friday at her children’s school with all the teachers. She’s helping so many people by taking the initiative to make health a focus. It’s this kind of thinking that makes our goals, well, our goals. Here are some practical ways to apply this to our lives:
  • Organize a weigh in at the office, gym, or your circle of friends.
  • If you are a personal trainer or dietician, offer to speak at your children’s school.
  • Help someone get started by sharing what you do in the gym.
  • Invite someone from work or a friend to your favorite fitness class.
  • At office parties and school functions bring healthy snacks.
  • If you’re a new mom, get other moms together with your strollers to go for walks, and follow mommy boot camp workouts together.

Don't you think leading by example makes you accountable?
So wouldn’t you agree that helping someone else reach their fitness goals, will push you to work even harder?

Monday, February 14, 2011

Time for Mom

Do you find it easier to take care of your family, than yourself? I think that moms have so much pressure on them, that neglecting themselves can be rationalized as love for their families. Have you ever felt this way? There’s an endless struggle to keep it all balanced, which should include time for us. How do you make time for yourself and avoid this thinking?
Time for Mom, little things that make a big difference.
  • Grab lunch or coffee with a girlfriend.
  • Read a great book, outside in the fresh air.
  • Take a bath, light candles, put on a face mask, and make it a big deal.
  • Make a photo album of the best moments of your life. Remind yourself of who you are, and not as a mom and a wife, but perhaps an athlete or whatever it is that you love.
  • Treat yourself to a massage .
  • If you take your children to a class at the Y, sign yourself up for one too.
  • Join a hiking, running, or walking club.

Happy Valentine’s Day, Moms!

With Love,


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Gold Medal Mom, Dara Torres

Talk about inspiration! Immediately after I posted my last blog, I noticed Dara Torres on the March Cover of Oxygen. She’s 43, a mom, and her Olympic career spans 24 years! She perfectly represents the phrase, yummy mummy! Her two books, Age is Just a Number and Gold Medal Fitness, are books I look to for motivation.

Dara holds 12 Olympic medals and is someone I truly admire, who inspires you?

Make sure to pick the March edition of Oxygen. Here's a sneak peak of the interactive preview.


Monday, February 7, 2011

Don't Give up on Yourself

You know that feeling you get when you watch a great movie? It has a way of drawing you in and making you think. That’s how I felt this weekend after I watched Secretariat. I couldn't help but identify with the themes of not giving up, and believing in something that no one else believes is possible.

Have you ever believed something to be true without any proof? That's how fitness has always been for me. I don't know if you know this, but I decided to compete in fitness in my 30's and return to fitness competitions after having my daughter in my 40's. When I started, I wasn't in shape and didn't have any dance background. I remember people telling me, learning gymnastics in your 30's is impossible. There’s something to be said for pushing what people think or say aside, and believing in what you know you're capable of doing.
I know someone will read this, and they’ll feel that tug in their heart. Having a baby does not mean your fit body days are over, and age is just a number like the scale. Fitness is for everyone, at any stage.

You see accomplishing my fitness goals has made me feel alive, capable, and for the first time in my life I feel like I can do anything.…even walk across a stage in a swimsuit. After I watched the movie, I wrote this quote in my journal-
" You've already won when you made the decision not to quit."

Have you given up? Do you have a goal you know you can achieve?

These pictures are of me at 30 in green and 41 in purple. I can’t imagine what I would feel and look like, if I decided to quit on myself!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

HIIT, A Moms Answer to Getting Results in Less Time.

"I don't have time."
If I had a dollar for every time I said that, I would be rich! Wouldn’t you agree, very few things actually give you time back? High intensity interval training, known as HIIT has done this for me. With my daughter and business I can't spend hours at the gym every day, so HIIT has been my answer to staying in shape.
This link will give you an idea of what HIIT is, and how to incorporate it into your training. Whatever your level, adding this to your workouts will give you results in less time. And, as a busy mom I know you could use more of that.

Have you done HIIT? Do you think HIIT works or is it the latest fad?
If you haven't tried it, are you willing to?


Monday, January 31, 2011

I'll start on Monday

So, I’m at a restaurant and I can’t help but notice a lady asking for another bread basket. As she grabbed it she smiled and said “ I’ll start on Monday.”

It got me thinking. What does this mean? Does it mean we can skip workouts and binge on everything we want, and then we’ll snap out of it on Monday?
There’s an implication that it’ll be easier then to eat clean, and all the perfect training opportunities will come together, if only right?
If your life is anything like mine, that never happens.

But, what if Monday never comes? Then 5 pounds turns into 10, and you find yourself wondering, how did I get so far away from my goal?

As busy moms, we already have to fight to get our workouts in and to make the best food choices for our families. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for the occasional guilt-free indulgence. But, wouldn’t you agree putting everything off until Monday, is only putting off results?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Childhood Obesity, a Community Problem?

Have you experienced the pain of being overweight? Well, I have and it made me feel self- conscious, uncomfortable, and unhealthy. When I think of all the children that are obese, my heart breaks.
Did you notice Michelle Obama's initiative to fight childhood obesity in the USA today? She started a campaign called Let's Move. According to the Secretary of Health and Human Services on January 26, 2011, "Over the last 40 years, the share of American kids who are overweight has quadrupled."

What can we do as a community to change this?
Have healthier school food choices?
Make Physical Education a mandatory class?
Does this problem start in the home, community, or both?
Is there a simple answer?

Devastating to think that children will be put on cholesterol lowering drugs and even depression medication to treat the side effects of weight gain.

Can you imagine your child dealing with the emotional ridicule and health problems associated with obesity? Have you ever been overweight? Are you overweight? What can we do as a community to help?

Monday, January 24, 2011

How am I supposed to do all the things I need to do today?

Do you find yourself asking this question?

I'll admit it, I had a "moment" this morning. But, don't we all? Seriously, has this thought ever crossed your mind, what about me? And, not in a vain way. I'm speaking of bare necessities.

These are the days the last thing you want is a lecture on how you just need to get organized, or how to fix it. So, I'm not going to do that.

Let's face it moms, we have a tough job. Very rewarding, but it requires all we've got. Am I alone here, or do you feel like this too?

What pulls you out of these "moments?" How do you do all the things you need to do every day?

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Protecting our Kids from the Decline of Healthy Eating

Picture it, I'm standing in the cereal aisle of the grocery store and my daughter is saying, "Mom I saw that one on TV can we buy it?"

How many times has this happened to you? She's only 3, and we don't watch very much TV. So, how does this happen? Everyone keeps telling me, wait until she starts going to birthday parties and school, then all she's going to want to eat is junk!

On top of this, there's so much misguided information and advertising.
Did you happen to catch the Kellogg’s case in the news? The FTC ordered them to pay for their claim that Rice Krispies boosted immunity!

Oxygen readers we know about processed foods and trans fats, but isn't it sad that we can't trust packaging?

Help me with this one, is it really inevitable? What do you do to keep your kids from what most say is the decline of healthy eating?

Monday, January 17, 2011

Why do you want to be in shape?

I’m asked every day, what motivates you? I know this seems like an obvious question, but is it? Why, do you want to be in shape? When I was able to answer this, I finally achieved real results the kind that last.

Ask yourself, what have I always wanted to do? Spend some time identifying your why.
We all have a dream deep within our hearts, like running a marathon, looking better in a bikini, or competing in a fitness show.

Keep your why in front of you daily, by hanging that two-piece in the closet, joining a running club, or signing up for a bikini competition. Empower yourself with a “can do” mentality, get passionate about it and don’t let it be a short-lived phase. Let this be the time, I believe in you!

As you read this, did your dream surface in your thoughts? I’d love to hear what it is?
Click here to find out my why.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Moms, get Yummy in only 10 minutes!

Let's face it no one feels good running around feeling disheveled, I know I don't. But looking great is surprisingly quicker than you might think . Here’s my routine, it only takes 10 minutes for hair and makeup!

Make up steps
wash your face
use a moisturizer and eye crème
concealer under your eyes
foundation or tinted moisturizer
set with powder
bronzer or blush on the apples of your checks and dust the eyelids- a warm peach looks great on most people
curl lashes add mascara
shape brows with a powder or pencil-your choice.
neutral lip liner with a natural lip gloss or your favorite lipstick

Quick hair ideas
pony tail, side pony,braid or use clips for a half up half down style
Want volume or smoothness
At night pull your hair into a scrunchy at the crown (for volume) or at the nape of your neck (for smoothness). When you wake up in the morning just take it down. brush through, and go.
Create Waves
Put your hair into two low ponytails, twirling them away from your face until they coil into themselves, then secure them with pins. When you take out the pins, you will get a big, soft wave that is sleek and close to the head.
Don't you feel better when you look your best? Give these tips a try and let me know how they work for you. Remember practice makes perfect.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Do Moms get the same 24 hours in a day?

There's an old saying that goes, "we all have the same 24 hours in a day."

As a mom trying to do it all, do you agree? Do we make our schedules, or are they made for us? Is it really all our choice, or are we merely doing what we can to make it through the day?

I know this statement evoked strong feelings in me, but how does it make you feel?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Healthy Eating for the Family Made Simple

Feeding our family healthy meals should be simple, right? But, who has time for home cooked meals? I'm not an expert, but I do know my way around the kitchen. Here's my simple approach to making quick meals and keeping my family healthy.


Bake chicken, turkey, and other lean meats on the weekend and freeze. Throughout the week you can defrost and flavor them in countless ways.

Buy pre-cut veggies and salad greens to save time.

While you're baking your lean meat, cook whole grain pasta and brown rice to have on hand. Buy whole wheat pita pockets, whole grain English muffins, Ezekiel bread and tortillas to have many choices to toss the meat and veggies into.

Find spices and condiments you love, like salsa, lemon pepper with garlic, and chipotle seasoning. With an array of spices, you’re able to satisfy different tastes and make a variety of meals quickly.


Apple cinnamon rice cakes with 1 tbsp natural nut butter

Protein pancakes or oatmeal pancakes made with bananas or berries

Fruit and raw nuts

Make your own trail mix with whole grain cereal and raw nuts

Cottage cheese or Greek yogurt with fruit

Roll ups with tortillas and meat

Helpful Advice

Eat 5 or more mini meals or 3 meals and 2 snacks to keep your blood sugar steady. This really controls cravings and prevents overeating.

Eat your calories don’t drink them.

If you have certain trigger foods, avoid bringing them into the house. Find a healthy alternative.

Avoid foods that have multiple ingredients. Think of a pop tart versus an apple.

Allow for planned indulgences.

Make dinner time family time. Have the kids learn about their portion sizes and let them help in the kitchen. My daughter loves making a whole grain pizza muffin with veggies and scooping out the portion sizes of everything.

Avoid eating in front of the TV. Nothing makes food disappear quicker and you don’t even remember eating it.

Moms, sit down and eat! Enjoy your food, you deserve it.

Adopt healthy eating as a lifestyle versus a diet.

This approach make take an initial commitment, but in the long run it saves time, money, and it's very convenient. Try it for a couple weeks and let me know how it works for you.

With all the different information available, I have found these trusted resources helpful.

Clean Eating Magazine
The Eat Clean Diet & Cookbook
Pick it Kick it

Sunday, January 2, 2011

2011, time to write your comeback story!

Having a baby changes everything. I know after I had my daughter, I didn't believe I could be in "fitness" shape again. I knew I could lose weight, but I truly thought my fitness days were over.
I had a revelation one day looking at a picture of myself-my thinking was determining my results. Wouldn't you agree that you can only go as far as your thinking will take you?

Fitness isn't just for the girls in the magazines, it's for us moms too. I'm happy to say I pushed the doubt aside and decided I was going to get in the best shape of my life.

Here are my Oxygen covers pre and post-baby.The Fat Loss cover from Winter 2010 and my first Oxygen Cover April 2005. I was told my abs were better post-baby! Can you imagine?

Moms, I encourage you to believe in yourself and make 2011 your year! Share your comeback story and submit your pictures to the Future of Fitness.

Wouldn't you agree being a mom doesn't mean your fitness days are over?